South Auckland 


Inspired out of the desire to make disciples of Jesus who are FREE, BOLD and FLOWING in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. A call to disciple the believer in all that Christ has commanded us. To see a people set free, emboldened and filled with the love and power of the Holy Spirit. 


Boundless Biblical Teaching
Boundless People

Our Pastors

Michael and Dorcas both carry an apostolic and prophetic grace. Alongside this they carry a deep passion for prayer and the ability to teach the word of God with simplicity and humour. They have seen the Holy spirit work incredible miracles, healings and breakthrough in their ministry.

Michael and Dorcas love people and are passionate to see all people discipled, standing bold and firm in their faith for Jesus.

be part of the journey

be part of the journey


Do you want to serve in one of our teams and help us continue to build God’s Church and reach people? Join a team today.


Check out our social media to keep updated on the life of the Church & our Services.

Pray for us

Prayer is everything! We would love to have people like you stand with us in praying for our Church and the people of Auckland City. There is a whole city out there who need to know Jesus.

Support us

Your generosity makes a difference.

BOUNDLESS Church is a registered NZ Charity. To receive a donations tax receipt at the end of the financial year please contact us for a Giving Number.

Every Sunday 5pm at 275 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush Auckland



Get Connected

We have a number of ways you can get involved. Whether it’s wanting to know more about BOUNDLESS or joining a Team. We’d love to connect with you.